Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School

Look at these two!! I can't believe I got a shot of them before school. Last year, I got nothing from him and a hurried pouty-face from her.

They change so fast. Just can't believe how grown-up they are.

Hope is home from school just now as I am typing. So I am hopping off here to talk about her day and soon to pick up Casey who wants to pick up some more job applications.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Photo of my boy

Here is his picture. Wow! He looks much older than he actually is, doesn't he?
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why, yes, Mr. Clean, I do believe it is summer after all

Well, it has been over 100 degrees for several days now. The incessant rains from spring are long ago evaporated. My last post questioned if it was summer yet, and, now, I am sure it is. How can I tell? Let's see, I have made the 13 hour trip home to Alabama. Summer school has been completed by sonny boy. Hope has been to girl scout camp. Hope has swimmer's ear, always a must-do for summer. Molly has been arguing with her brother enough to just about drive me mad, and, my husband has returned from a 10 day fishing trip to Canada.

 Today, Casey decided to shave is head. That's right, he's completely bald! He comes and knocks on the bathroom door and says, "Can you come help me?" I reply, "I am busy, just a minute." Less than five minutes later, he is now in his bathroom. I go knock on the door and say, "What did you need help with?" "Never mind," he replies. So, I go about my business. Next thing I know, he appears in the doorway with just the top of his head shaved down to about a fourth of an inch, except for the spots where it is all the way down to the scalp. He has decided to shave his head apparently. Great, we are due for an appointment in less than an hour. I searched out the hair clippers that I thought we had. Located them and opened up the box. I've never actually used them. I don't even know how to put the attachment on. So, anyway, after some fumbling, I figure it out and get them going. I started cutting his hair with them and, finally, I have is all even and it looks O. K., not great. (Except for the few spots on top that he has down to the scalp.) Thinking, this is over, I go ahead and get myself ready while he takes a shower. Twenty minutes before appointment time, I knock on the door and say we need to be leaving. A few minutes later, he comes to the kitchen ready to go. Only now, he decided to shave his head with a razor and he is partly bald, but with large unruly patches of hair on the back of his head. Aye, ya, ya! Just put on a cap, we have to go.

 It was tuna salad and cold fruit for dinner at my house. I couldn't bear to turn on the stove in this heat. I also waited until 7:30 P. M. to start doing the laundry. I am trying to not heat up the house any more than possible during the hottest part of the day. We also keep having to fill the rain barrel up with the water hose so that it can be added to the decorative pond the next day. There are fish in there and the water keeps evaporating in this heat. My water bill is going to be outrageous!

So, to sum it all up;  I am melting in this heat, Mr. Clean now lives at my house, and I am draining Beaver Lake to fill a small pond in my yard. Yep, it is definitely, summer, and insanity is just around the corner.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is it Summer Yet?

After a winter of seemingly endless snow and extreme cold, I am just wondering, is it summer, yet? I am ready for a break from having to get up and help kids get off to school. Tomorrow is the last day of school, finally! But, wait, I think one teenaged boy middle child will be attending summer school. So, no break just yet. No buses will be running him to and from school other than my own mini-van. Maybe a break in July?? Mama is about to hit the burnout range.

I am just feeling a little tired, but then the Duggar family ( www.duggarfamily.com) is on the Today Show this morning and I am thinking, tired? Who am I to be tired? Now Michelle is talking about teaching her children to all get along with each other. Oops! mine obviously haven't learned this so well. I feel kind of incompetent  when I listen to Michelle.

The yard is beginning to show signs of summer. Flowers are blooming and shrubs are growing. The backyard, grass-less just a few weeks ago, is greening up very nicely. My husband apparently has his heart set on some fried green tomatoes. He has three tomato plants out on the deck. This is the guy who loves tomatoes, but is allergic to them if they are ripe and uncooked?! The water lettuce on the pond has multiplied to cover almost the entire surface. This from about 10 plants I bought about a month ago! Wow, anyone need any water lettuce or tomatoes?

It's getting hot outside. The plants are in bloom. School is coming to a close for most. It looks like summer, but I'm not feeling it yet. Maybe next week.