Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is it Summer Yet?

After a winter of seemingly endless snow and extreme cold, I am just wondering, is it summer, yet? I am ready for a break from having to get up and help kids get off to school. Tomorrow is the last day of school, finally! But, wait, I think one teenaged boy middle child will be attending summer school. So, no break just yet. No buses will be running him to and from school other than my own mini-van. Maybe a break in July?? Mama is about to hit the burnout range.

I am just feeling a little tired, but then the Duggar family ( www.duggarfamily.com) is on the Today Show this morning and I am thinking, tired? Who am I to be tired? Now Michelle is talking about teaching her children to all get along with each other. Oops! mine obviously haven't learned this so well. I feel kind of incompetent  when I listen to Michelle.

The yard is beginning to show signs of summer. Flowers are blooming and shrubs are growing. The backyard, grass-less just a few weeks ago, is greening up very nicely. My husband apparently has his heart set on some fried green tomatoes. He has three tomato plants out on the deck. This is the guy who loves tomatoes, but is allergic to them if they are ripe and uncooked?! The water lettuce on the pond has multiplied to cover almost the entire surface. This from about 10 plants I bought about a month ago! Wow, anyone need any water lettuce or tomatoes?

It's getting hot outside. The plants are in bloom. School is coming to a close for most. It looks like summer, but I'm not feeling it yet. Maybe next week.

1 comment:

ktdid0110 said...

I have been to the splash park and to the swimming pool today, so, I guess it is summer!